Do not let your adorning be external-the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear- but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening. -1 Peter 3:3-6
I have a confession: I struggle. I struggle with the world and material possessions. As a woman, I feel the need to have the best, new, cutest clothes, shoes, and jewelry especially now that Pinterest has become so popular. While I've always loved clothes, here lately I think the love has exceeded to a new level because unlike before when I was student, I now have a job where I can actually buy clothes and at FULL prices. And I've discovered the realm of online shopping which is no good for any girl with a credit card and a budget because with the click of a button, money is spent and a package is on your way without having to drive to Birmingham. Let me iterate this though before you start thinking I'm a girl with no limits on spending, I do not believe in keeping a balance on my credit card and I make sure I pay it off every month. However, the additional spending inhibits me from tithing more, paying more on other bills such as student loans and my car, and putting money in savings.
I've been feeling more conviction lately for my new love of spending money to make myself look like the "it" girl, because that's not me or who God has called me to be. God reminded me of my reasons for wanting these things- approval of the world. My motives for having new dresses and jewelry and shoes are to impress people who I barely know and as awful as it sounds and I hate admitting to allow myself to compete with other girls. I recently started observing some absolutely beautiful women in my life and their dress. The most beautiful girls I know wear very little make up and dress so simplistic-no glitz and glamor yet so beautiful. Their beauty comes from the inside which overflows to an outward beauty. I am reminded that because I am God's creation and God only creates beautiful things, I don't need the glitz and the glamor or all the makeup and hairspray or that new cute dress when I've got about five others in my closet that haven't been worn this season to be beautiful- All I need is Jesus. I need Jesus to fill my life completely- I need to love and focus on others rather then my appearance. I desire for my beauty to come from the inside, and I pray that before others see outward beauty, they get a glimpse of inward beauty. I pray that I will be like Sarah- a holy women adorned by her submission to Abraham. I pray my adornment will come from my submission to Seth.
Here in America, dressing is the way many people express themselves, and we as Americans are so blessed to have the option of wearing a different outfit everyday. Since we are so blessed to live in America (or are we?), I do believe the way we dress is important- it's important to dress modestly (another subject), it's important for us to be clean, and of course we all have individual tastes and preferences, so it is important for us to let our dress reflect our personality. I don't believe that buying a new dress or shirt here and there is sin unless there is conviction, but I do think God is sending a message that our dress and appearance shouldn't be WHO we are. It shouldn't be our primary focus. He should be our focus- my focus. I need Him as my focus because nothing else satisfies like Christ does.
Oh I pray for this nation- we are being so brainwashed. Satan is attacking us with our American culture, and I am seeing how easy it is to get so caught up in ourselves and the things we "need". I pray our hearts will be so broken by the real needs of this world that we ignore what the American culture screams at us and we begin running after God and begin making disciples of all nations- loving the orphans and feeding the hungry and sacrificing ourselves for the sake of Christ.